Monday, November 26, 2007

Mercury Recording Equipment

Pultec Equalizers are some of the rarest and most sought after studio tools in the industry today. Engineers lucky enough to be able to work with them find their musicality and warm tonality extremely important to their studio's "sound." The simple beauty of these EQs is unsurpassed!
The original Pultec equalizers were tools developed to deal with the limitations of recorded music. Limitations that most often manifest themselves in the highest and lowest frequencies of the program material. Pultecs were designed to bring back the life and musicality lost in the recording. Whether by accident or genius, nothing has been able to do it better. The interaction of the passive boosting and attenuating shelving eqs (not relying on negative feedback), as well as the transformers, tubes and other amplification circuitry all add to the incredibly musical character of the product. Working engineers try other types of equalizers, but always end up coming back to the Pultec as the equalizer of choice for those final touches.

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