Tuesday, December 4, 2007

80s Punk & New Wave

Punk and so called: "New Wave" tracks with construction kit method phrases & loops. Inspired by only the rudest guitar driven LA Punk, NY Punk, UK Punk, Ska, Hardcore, PostPunk and New Wave from the early and up to mid eighties.

Poison Kontrol
Loads of intoxicating licks from guitars, bass, keys, drums and more. All loops are based on live performances from mic'd stacks, kits and analog favorites of the time. With choice of Dry mix or 80ies infected over-bloated commercial saturation for all loops. Uncivilized drumkit multi-tracks from kick, snare and overheads for each c-kit mix are included.

A mean authentic resource which includes materialistically tainted contemporary blends as well. Excitement and the stuff of legends and urban myths. Minimalist, well recorded arrangements with excessive raw grit.

Pure Filth!

23 Construction Kits, 1.6 GB Punk & New-Wave Sounds, Loops and Samples


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